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Windows Guide

Setting Up NadekoBot on Windows With the Updater

Table of Contents
Starting the Bot
Updating Nadeko
Manually Installing the Prerequisites from the Updater

Note: If you want to make changes to Nadeko's source code, please follow the From Source guide instead.


  • Windows 10 or later (64-bit)



  • Download and run the NadekoBot v3 Updater.
  • Click on the + at the top left to create a new bot. NadekoBot Updater
  • Give your bot a name and then click Go to setup at the lower right. Create a new bot
  • Click on DOWNLOAD at the lower right Bot Setup
  • If you want to use the music module, click on Install next to FFMPEG and Youtube-DLP.
  • If any dependencies fail to install, you can temporarily disable your Windows Defender/AV until you install them. If you don't want to, then read the last section of this guide.
  • When installation is finished, click on CREDS to the left of RUN at the lower right.
  • Follow the guide on how to Set up the creds.yml file.

Starting the bot

  • Either click on RUN button in the updater or run the bot via its desktop shortcut.

Updating Nadeko

  • Make sure Nadeko is closed and not running (Run .die in a connected server to ensure it's not running).
  • Open NadekoBot Updater
  • Click on your bot at the upper left (looks like a spy).
  • Click on Check for updates.
  • If updates are available, you will be able to click on the Update button.
  • Launch the bot
  • You've updated and are running again, easy as that!

Music prerequisites

In order to use music commands, you need ffmpeg and yt-dlp installed. - ffmpeg-32bit | ffmpeg-64bit - Download the appropriate version for your system (32 bit if you're running a 32 bit OS, or 64 if you're running a 64bit OS). Unzip it, and move ffmpeg.exe to a path that's in your PATH environment variable. If you don't know what that is, just move the ffmpeg.exe file to NadekoBot/output. - youtube-dlp - Click to download the yt-dlp.exe file, then move yt-dlp.exe to a path that's in your PATH environment variable. If you don't know what that is, just move the yt-dlp.exe file to NadekoBot/system.